E. Paul Zehr
E. Paul Zehr
university of victoria, university of alberta, mcmaster university
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Considerations for use of the Hoffmann reflex in exercise studies
PE Zehr
European journal of applied physiology 86 (6), 455-468, 2002
What functions do reflexes serve during human locomotion?
EP Zehr, RB Stein
Progress in neurobiology 58 (2), 185-205, 1999
Regulation of arm and leg movement during human locomotion
EP Zehr, J Duysens
The Neuroscientist 10 (4), 347-361, 2004
Cutaneous reflexes during human gait: electromyographic and kinematic responses to electrical stimulation
EP Zehr, T Komiyama, RB Stein
Journal of neurophysiology 77 (6), 3311-3325, 1997
Neural control of rhythmic human movement: the common core hypothesis
EP Zehr
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 33 (1), 54-60, 2005
Increased spinal reflex excitability is not associated with neural plasticity underlying the cross-education effect
O Lagerquist, EP Zehr, D Docherty
Journal of Applied Physiology 100 (1), 83-90, 2006
Function of sural nerve reflexes during human walking
EP Zehr, RB Stein, T Komiyama
The Journal of physiology 507 (1), 305-314, 1998
High-intensity unilateral dorsiflexor resistance training results in bilateral neuromuscular plasticity after stroke
K Dragert, EP Zehr
Experimental brain research 225, 93-104, 2013
Interaction of the Jendrassik maneuver with segmental presynaptic inhibition
EP Zehr, RB Stein
Experimental brain research 124, 474-480, 1999
Effect of rhythmic arm movement on reflexes in the legs: modulation of soleus H-reflexes and somatosensory conditioning
A Frigon, DF Collins, EP Zehr
Journal of neurophysiology 91 (4), 1516-1523, 2004
Possible contributions of CPG activity to the control of rhythmic human arm movement
EP Zehr, TJ Carroll, R Chua, DF Collins, A Frigon, C Haridas, SR Hundza, ...
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 82 (8-9), 556-568, 2004
Human interlimb reflexes evoked by electrical stimulation of cutaneous nerves innervating the hand and foot
PE Zehr, DF Collins, R Chua
Experimental brain research 140 (4), 495-504, 2001
Ballistic movement: muscle activation and neuromuscular adaptation
EP Zehr, DG Sale
Canadian Journal of applied physiology 19 (4), 363-378, 1994
Coordinated interlimb compensatory responses to electrical stimulation of cutaneous nerves in the hand and foot during walking
C Haridas, EP Zehr
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (5), 2850-2861, 2003
Neural regulation of rhythmic arm and leg movement is conserved across human locomotor tasks
EP Zehr, JE Balter, DP Ferris, SR Hundza, PM Loadman, RH Stoloff
The Journal of physiology 582 (1), 209-227, 2007
Neural coupling between the arms and legs during rhythmic locomotor-like cycling movement
JE Balter, EP Zehr
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (2), 1809-1818, 2007
Neural control of rhythmic, cyclical human arm movement: task dependency, nerve specificity and phase modulation of cutaneous reflexes
EP Zehr, A Kido
The Journal of physiology 537 (3), 1033-1045, 2001
The quadrupedal nature of human bipedal locomotion
EP Zehr, SR Hundza, EV Vasudevan
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 37 (2), 102-108, 2009
Estimating mechanical parameters of leg segments in individuals with and without physical disabilities
RB Stein, EP Zehr, MK Lebiedowska, DB PopoviC, A Scheiner, ...
IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering 4 (3), 201-211, 1996
A sigmoid function is the best fit for the ascending limb of the Hoffmann reflex recruitment curve
M Klimstra, EP Zehr
Experimental brain research 186, 93-105, 2008
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