Hanna Schwander
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Varieties of dualization? Labor market segmentation and insider-outsider divides across regimes
S Häusermann, H Schwander
The age of dualization: The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing …, 2012
Who is in and who is out? A risk-based conceptualization of insiders and outsiders
H Schwander, S Häusermann
Journal of European Social Policy 23 (3), 248-269, 2013
High-skilled outsiders? Labor market vulnerability, education and welfare state preferences
S Häusermann, T Kurer, H Schwander
Socio-Economic Review 13 (2), 235-258, 2015
Welfare democracies and party politics: Explaining electoral dynamics in times of changing welfare capitalism
P Manow, B Palier, H Schwander
Oxford University Press, 2018
Sharing the risk? Households, labor market vulnerability, and social policy preferences in Western Europe
S Häusermann, T Kurer, H Schwander
The journal of politics 78 (4), 1045-1060, 2016
‘Don’t play if you can’t win’: does economic inequality undermine political equality?
A Schäfer, H Schwander
European Political Science Review 11 (3), 395-413, 2019
Identifying outsiders across countries: similarities and differences in the patterns of dualisation
S Häusermann, H Schwander
REC-WP Working Papers on the Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Europe, 2009
Labor market dualization and insider–outsider divides: why this new conflict matters
H Schwander
Political Studies Review 17 (1), 14-29, 2019
‘Modernize and Die’? German social democracy and the electoral consequences of the Agenda 2010
H Schwander, P Manow
Socio-Economic Review 15 (1), 117-134, 2017
It's not the economy, stupid! Explaining the electoral success of the German right-wing populist AfD
H Schwander, P Manow
CIS Working Paper, 2017
Revisiting the left cabinet share: How to measure the partisan profile of governments in welfare state research
H Döring, H Schwander
Journal of European Social Policy 25 (2), 175-193, 2015
Are outsiders equally out everywhere? The economic disadvantage of outsiders in cross-national perspective
L Fervers, H Schwander
European Journal of Industrial Relations 21 (4), 369-387, 2015
Who are the outsiders and what do they want? Welfare state preferences in dualized societies
S Häusermann, H Schwander
Welfare State Preferences in Dualized Societies, 2009
Greens in government: the distributive policies of a culturally progressive force
L Röth, H Schwander
West European Politics 44 (3), 661-689, 2020
The left and universal basic income: The role of ideology in individual support
H Schwander, T Vlandas
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 36 (3), 237-268, 2020
The age of dualization: The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies
S Häusermann, H Schwander, P Emmenegger, B Palier, ...
Labor Market Segmentation and Insider-Outsider Divides across Regimes, 27-52, 2012
Die sozial „auffälligen “Nichtwähler: Determinanten der Wahlenthaltung bei der Bundestagswahl 2013
A Schäfer, H Schwander, P Manow
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013, 21-44, 2016
Are social democratic parties insider parties? Electoral strategies of social democratic parties in Western Europe in the age of dualization
H Schwander
Comparative European Politics 17 (5), 714-737, 2019
Explaining welfare preferences in dualized societies
S Häusermann, H Schwander
17th Conference of Europeanists, 1-33, 2010
Gender and attitudes toward welfare state reform: Are women really social investment promoters?
JL Garritzmann, H Schwander
Journal of European Social Policy 31 (3), 253-266, 2021
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