Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - R. David HawkinsWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 53
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
A Kundaje, W Meuleman, J Ernst, M Bilenky, A Yen, A Heravi-Moussavi, ...
Nature 518 (7539), 317-330, 2015
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National …
Human DNA methylomes at base resolution show widespread epigenomic differences
R Lister, M Pelizzola, RH Dowen, RD Hawkins, G Hon, J Tonti-Filippini, ...
nature 462 (7271), 315-322, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Histone modifications at human enhancers reflect global cell-type-specific gene expression
ND Heintzman, GC Hon, RD Hawkins, P Kheradpour, A Stark, LF Harp, ...
Nature 459 (7243), 108-112, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Hotspots of aberrant epigenomic reprogramming in human induced pluripotent stem cells
R Lister, M Pelizzola, YS Kida, RD Hawkins, JR Nery, G Hon, ...
Nature 471 (7336), 68-73, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Distinct epigenomic landscapes of pluripotent and lineage-committed human cells
RD Hawkins, GC Hon, LK Lee, QM Ngo, R Lister, M Pelizzola, LE Edsall, ...
Cell stem cell 6 (5), 479-491, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Epigenomic analysis of multilineage differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
W Xie, MD Schultz, R Lister, Z Hou, N Rajagopal, P Ray, JW Whitaker, ...
Cell 153 (5), 1134-1148, 2013
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Comparison of sequencing-based methods to profile DNA methylation and identification of monoallelic epigenetic modifications
RA Harris, T Wang, C Coarfa, RP Nagarajan, C Hong, SL Downey, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (10), 1097-1105, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Next-generation genomics: an integrative approach
RD Hawkins, GC Hon, B Ren
Nature Reviews Genetics 11 (7), 476-486, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Global DNA hypomethylation coupled to repressive chromatin domain formation and gene silencing in breast cancer
GC Hon, RD Hawkins, OL Caballero, C Lo, R Lister, M Pelizzola, ...
Genome research 22 (2), 246-258, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Derivation of naive human embryonic stem cells
CB Ware, AM Nelson, B Mecham, J Hesson, W Zhou, EC Jonlin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (12), 4484-4489, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
An assessment of histone-modification antibody quality
TA Egelhofer, A Minoda, S Klugman, K Lee, P Kolasinska-Zwierz, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 18 (1), 91-93, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Muscle-specific CRISPR/Cas9 dystrophin gene editing ameliorates pathophysiology in a mouse model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
NE Bengtsson, JK Hall, GL Odom, MP Phelps, CR Andrus, RD Hawkins, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14454, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
The metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape during naive-to-primed human embryonic stem cell transition
H Sperber, J Mathieu, Y Wang, A Ferreccio, J Hesson, Z Xu, KA Fischer, ...
Nature cell biology 17 (12), 1523-1535, 2015
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Health …
Role of the histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase, SET7/9, in the regulation of NF-κB-dependent inflammatory genes: relevance to diabetes and inflammation
Y Li, MA Reddy, F Miao, N Shanmugam, JK Yee, D Hawkins, B Ren, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (39), 26771-26781, 2008
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Predictive chromatin signatures in the mammalian genome
GC Hon, RD Hawkins, B Ren
Human molecular genetics 18 (R2), R195-R201, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Genetic variability overrides the impact of parental cell type and determines iPSC differentiation potential
A Kyttälä, R Moraghebi, C Valensisi, J Kettunen, C Andrus, ...
Stem cell reports 6 (2), 200-212, 2016
Mandate: Academy of Finland, Swedish Research Council
Functional analysis of a chromosomal deletion associated with myelodysplastic syndromes using isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells
AG Kotini, CJ Chang, I Boussaad, JJ Delrow, EK Dolezal, AB Nagulapally, ...
Nature biotechnology 33 (6), 646-655, 2015
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Candidate silencer elements for the human and mouse genomes
N Doni Jayavelu, A Jajodia, A Mishra, RD Hawkins
Nature communications 11 (1), 1061, 2020
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Dynamic chromatin states in human ES cells reveal potential regulatory sequences and genes involved in pluripotency
RD Hawkins, GC Hon, C Yang, JE Antosiewicz-Bourget, LK Lee, QM Ngo, ...
Cell research 21 (10), 1393-1409, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
An activating STAT3 mutation causes neonatal diabetes through premature induction of pancreatic differentiation
J Saarimäki-Vire, D Balboa, MA Russell, J Saarikettu, M Kinnunen, ...
Cell reports 19 (2), 281-294, 2017
Mandate: Academy of Finland, Diabetes UK
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