Anna-Katharina Rieger
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Religion in the making: the Lived Ancient Religion approach
J Albrecht, C Degelmann, V Gasparini, R Gordon, M Patzelt, G Petridou, ...
Religion 48 (4), 568-593, 2018
Heiligtümer in Ostia
AK Rieger
(No Title), 2004
Lived religion in the ancient mediterranean world: approaching religious transformations from archaeology, history and classics
V Gasparini, M Patzelt, R Raja
de Gruyter, 2020
Grouping together in lived ancient religion
P Lichterman, R Raja, AK Rieger, J Rüpke
Religion in the Roman empire 2017, 2017
Disconnected runoff contributing areas: Evidence provided by ancient watershed management systems in arid north-eastern Marmarica (NW-Egypt)
T Vetter, AK Rieger, A Nicolay
Geomorphology 212, 41-57, 2014
Kilns, commodities and consumers: Greco-roman pottery production in Eastern Marmarica (Northwestern Egypt)
AK Rieger, H Möller
Archäologischer Anzeiger 1, 141-170, 2011
Ancient rainwater harvesting systems in the north-eastern Marmarica (north-western Egypt)
T Vetter, AK Rieger, A Nicolay
Libyan Studies 40, 9-23, 2009
Lokale Tradition versus überregionale Einheit: Der Kult der Magna Mater
AK Rieger
Mediterranea, 1000-1032, 2007
Waste matters: Life cycle and agency of pottery employed in Greco-Roman sacred spaces
AK Rieger
Religion in the Roman Empire 2 (3), 307-339, 2016
Water, routes and rangelands: ancient traffic and grazing infrastructure in the eastern Marmarica (northwestern Egypt)
T Vetter, AK Rieger, H Möller
Desert road archaeology in Ancient Egypt and beyond. Köln: Heinrich-Barth …, 2013
Pursuing lived ancient religion
V Gasparini, M Patzelt, R Raja, AK Rieger, J Rüpke, ER Urciuoli, ...
Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Approaching Religious …, 2020
Water harvesting as a key for understanding adapted ancient livelihoods in an arid environment–Approaches to dryland archaeology in the Eastern Marmarica (NW-Egypt)
T Vetter, AK Rieger
Journal of arid environments 171, 103940, 2019
The Desert Dwellers of Marmarica, Western Desert: Second Millenium BCE to First Millenium CE
AK Rieger, T Vetter, H Möller
The history of the peoples of the Eastern Desert, 156-174, 2012
Ancient water harvesting in the Old World Dry Belt–synopsis and outlook
T Vetter, AK Rieger
Journal of Arid Environments 169, 42-53, 2019
Northern Libyan Desert Ware: new thoughts on ‘Shell-tempered Ware’ and other handmade pottery from the Eastern Marmarica (north-west Egypt)
AK Rieger, H Möller
Libyan Studies 43, 11-31, 2012
Insights in diet and economy of the Eastern Marmarica – faunal remains from Greco–Roman sites in northwestern Egypt (Abar el–Kanayis, Wadi Umm el–Ashdan and Wadi Qasaba),
N Pöllath, AK Rieger
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 67, 167–184, 2011
Les sanctuaires publics à Ostie de la République jusqu’au Haut Empire
K Rieger
Ostia, port et porte de la Rome antique: musée Rath Genève, Genève: Georg …, 2001
‘Un-Central’Landscapes of NE-Africa and W-Asia—Landscape Archaeology as a Tool for Socio-Economic History in Arid Landscapes
AK Rieger
Land 8 ((1)), 174, 2019
On the route to Siwa. A late Roman roadhouse at the cistern site Abar el-Kanayis on the Marmarica-Plateau
AK Rieger, H Möller, S Valtin, T Vetter
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 68 …, 2012
This god is your god, this god is my god: local identities at sacralized places in Roman Syria
AK Rieger
V. Gasparini, M. Patzelt, R. Raja, A.-K. Rieger, J. Rüpke, E.R. Urciuolo …, 2020
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