Dirk Abel
Dirk Abel
Professor der RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Regelungstechnik
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Review on model predictive control: An engineering perspective
M Schwenzer, M Ay, T Bergs, D Abel
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 117 (5), 1327 …, 2021
Rapid control prototyping
D Abel, A Bollig
Rapid Control Prototyping: Methoden und Anwendungen, 295-318, 2006
Petri-netze für Ingenieure: Modellbildung und Analyse diskret gesteuerter Systeme
D Abel
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Optimal vehicle dynamics control for combined longitudinal and lateral autonomous vehicle guidance
A Katriniok, JP Maschuw, F Christen, L Eckstein, D Abel
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 974-979, 2013
Adaptive EKF-based vehicle state estimation with online assessment of local observability
A Katriniok, D Abel
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (4), 1368-1381, 2015
Model predictive control of a parallel hybrid vehicle drivetrain
R Beck, F Richert, A Bollig, D Abel, S Saenger, K Neil, T Scholt, ...
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2670-2675, 2005
LTV-MPC approach for lateral vehicle guidance by front steering at the limits of vehicle dynamics
A Katriniok, D Abel
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and European control …, 2011
Comparison of two real-time predictive strategies for the optimal energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle
R Beck, A Bollig, D Abel
Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue de l'IFP 62 (4), 635-643, 2007
Self-optimizing production systems
E Permin, F Bertelsmeier, M Blum, J Bützler, S Haag, S Kuz, D Özdemir, ...
Procedia Cirp 41, 417-422, 2016
Multicopter unmanned aerial vehicle for automated inspection of wind turbines
BE Schäfer, D Picchi, T Engelhardt, D Abel
2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 244-249, 2016
Electronically coupled truck platoons on German highways
R Ramakers, K Henning, S Gies, D Abel, HMA Max
2009 IEEE International conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 2409-2414, 2009
Iterative learning control of ventricular assist devices with variable cycle durations
M Ketelhut, S Stemmler, J Gesenhues, M Hein, D Abel
Control Engineering Practice 83, 33-44, 2019
Networked model predictive control for vehicle collision avoidance
B Alrifaee
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2017, 2017
Advanced state estimation for navigation of automated vehicles
T Konrad, JJ Gehrt, J Lin, R Zweigel, D Abel
Annual reviews in control 46, 181-195, 2018
LMI-based control of vehicle platoons for robust longitudinal guidance
JP Maschuw, GC Keßler, D Abel
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 12111-12116, 2008
Semi-solid forging of 100Cr6 and X210CrW12 steel
G Hirt, H Shimahara, I Seidl, F Küthe, D Abel, A Schönbohm, R Kopp
CIRP annals 54 (1), 257-260, 2005
Centralized non-convex model predictive control for cooperative collision avoidance of networked vehicles
B Alrifaee, MG Mamaghani, D Abel
2014 IEEE international symposium on intelligent control (ISIC), 1583-1588, 2014
Self-optimizing injection molding based on iterative learning cavity pressure control
C Hopmann, D Abel, J Heinisch, S Stemmler
Production Engineering 11 (2), 97-106, 2017
A self-optimising injection moulding process with model-based control system parameterisation
C Hopmann, A Ressmann, M Reiter, S Stemmler, D Abel
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29 (11), 1190-1199, 2016
Nonlinear MPC for a two-stage turbocharged gasoline engine airpath
T Albin, D Ritter, D Abel, N Liberda, R Quirynen, M Diehl
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 849-856, 2015
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