Jasna Hanjalić Kurtović
Jasna Hanjalić Kurtović
Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo
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Zitiert von
A novel flavivirus strain detected in phlebotomine sandflies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
M Hukić, H Avdihodžić, IC Kurolt, A Markotić, J Hanjalić, L Kapur-Pojskić, ...
Medicinski Glasnik 17 (2), 301-307, 2020
First molecular detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from humans in the Sarajevo Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
L Lasić, L Ušanović, S Ćakić, J Hanjalić, BK Stroil
Systematic and Applied Acarology 25 (1), 169-172, 2020
The first DNA barcode record for Rhyacophila bosnica Schmid, 1970 and pairing of adult and larval life stages
BK Stroil, L Lasić, J Hanjalić, S Mačar, A Vesnić
Genetics & Applications 2 (2), 20-27, 2018
HRVATSKA GOLUPKA, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800)(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), NOVA VRSTA U FAUNI LEPTIRA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE
J Hanjalić, S Lelo
Prilog poznavanju rasprostranjenja japanskog hrastovog prelca, Antheraea yamamai (Guérin-Méneville, 1861)(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), u Bosni i Hercegovini
J Hanjalić, S Lelo
Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine 10, 25-30, 2014
Regional biodiversity database (REBIDA)–the first comprehensive database of biological diversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina
BK Stroil, S Dorić, J Hanjalić, L Lasić, N Pojskić
Genetics & Applications 1 (2), 59-65, 2017
Revizija taksonomsko-klasifikacijskog prijegleda bosanskohercegovačkih šarenjaka: Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
S Lelo, J Hanjalić
Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine 11, 91-98, 2015
Determination of an efficient and reliable method for PCR detection of borrelial DNA from engorged ticks
L Ušanović, L Lasić, J Hanjalić, S Ćakić, D Destanović, B Kalamujić Stroil
Persian Journal of Acarology 10 (2), 223-230, 2021
New molecular methods to assess biodiversity. Potentials and pitfalls of DNA metabarcoding: a workshop report
M Kahlert, A Alfjorden, K Apunte-Ramos, B Bailet, JP Burillo, ...
Research Ideas and Outcomes 5, e38915, 2019
The applicability of three DNA isolation methods in SSR analysis of hexaploid plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars
J Hanjalić, L Lasić, F Gaši, M Meland, J Grahić, BK Stroil
Genetics & Applications 2 (1), 1-7, 2018
Molecular Variation of Rh, MN, Duffy, Kidd, Kell, and Lutheran Blood Groups in the Human Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina
L Lasic, A Kalajdzic, BK Stroil, L Pojskic, J Hanjalic, L Usanovic, N Pojskic
Human Biology 92 (2), 81-92, 2020
Novi podaci o distribuciji vrste Antheraea yamamai (Guérin-Méneville, 1861)(Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) u Bosni i Hercegovini
S Lelo, J Hanjalić, E Memišević, S Filipović
Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine 14, 51-57, 2018
NOVI NALAZI VRSTA Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard, 1789) I Ophioderma longicauda (Bruzelius, 1805)(Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiurida) U MARINSKOM DIJELU BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE
J Hanjalić, A Gajić, S Lelo, M Kašić-Lelo
Is cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) the right DNA barcoding marker for the Chaetopteryx villosa group?
D Destanovic, L Usanovic, L Lasic, J Hanjalic, BK Stroil
ARPHA Conference Abstracts, 2021
Current perspectives of DNA barcoding in Bosnia and Herzegovina through BOLD database
L Ušanović, J Hanjalić, S Dorić, L Lasić, J Šubara, A Čučuković, ...
Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu 50 (1), 33-37, 2020
Contribution to molecular genetic characterization of Helleborus multifidus Vis. In Bosnia and Herzegovina
L Lasić, S Dorić, J Hanjalić, J Čakar, B Kalamujić Stroil, G Radosavljević, ...
Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, Vol.47, Issue 1, 2017
Composition of diatom communities on travertine barriers of the Una River (Bosnia and Herzegovina) obtained by DNA metabarcoding and morphological analysis
J Kamberović, MG Udovič, M Kahlert, K Tapolczai, Z Lukić, A Ahmić, ...
ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4, e64954, 2021
Unheeded biodiversity: perspectives of DNA barcoding of Trichoptera in Bosnia and Herzegovina
D Destanović, L Ušanović, J Hanjalić, L Lasić, BK Stroil
ARPHA Conference Abstracts 4, e64709, 2021
Аpplicability of microsatellite loci designed for cosmopolitan species for the investigation of endemic species: a case study of Silene sendtneri Boiss.
J Hanjalić, L Ušanović, L Lasić, A Kalajdžić, BK Stroil, A Ahmić, N Pojskić
Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, 2021
Ratio of clonal plants among natural bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) populations located in municipalities of Kladanj and Srebrenica.
A Hodžić, M Kurtović, J Grahić, B Kalamujić-Stroil, L Lasić, J Hanjalić, ...
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