Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Fitalew Agimass TayeWeitere Informationen
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Evaluating the costs of primary forest conservation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, implications for policy and practice
G Bush, FA Taye, C Fleming, RA Samndong
Journal of Environmental Management 352, 119975, 2024
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Verfügbar: 4
The choice of forest site for recreation: A revealed preference analysis using spatial data
F Agimass, T Lundhede, TE Panduro, JB Jacobsen
Ecosystem Services 31, 445-454, 2018
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Preferences for variation in forest characteristics: Does diversity between stands matter?
A Filyushkina, F Agimass, T Lundhede, N Strange, JB Jacobsen
Ecological Economics 140, 22-29, 2017
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Accounting for environmental attitude to explain variations in willingness to pay for forest ecosystem services using the new environmental paradigm
FA Taye, SE Vedel, JB Jacobsen
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 7 (4), 420-440, 2018
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
Childhood experience in forest recreation practices: Evidence from nine European countries
FA Taye, J Abildtrup, M Mayer, M Ščasný, N Strange, T Lundhede
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 46, 126471, 2019
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation
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