Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Joan Didac SolerWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 12
Translational value of animal models of kidney failure
A Ortiz, MD Sanchez-Nino, MC Izquierdo, C Martin-Cleary, ...
European journal of pharmacology 759, 205-220, 2015
Mandate: Government of Spain
Acute kidney injury as a risk factor for mortality in oncological patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors
C García-Carro, M Bolufer, R Bury, Z Castañeda, E Muñoz, E Felip, ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37 (5), 887-894, 2022
Mandate: Government of Spain
Short-and long-term outcomes after non-severe acute kidney injury
C Arias-Cabrales, E Rodríguez, S Bermejo, A Sierra, C Burballa, ...
Clinical and experimental nephrology 22, 61-67, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Advances in understanding the role of angiotensin-regulated proteins in kidney diseases
AB Sanz, AM Ramos, MJ Soler, MD Sanchez-Niño, ...
Expert Review of Proteomics 16 (1), 77-92, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated acute kidney injury
B Sprangers, DE Leaf, C Porta, MJ Soler, MA Perazella
Nature Reviews Nephrology 18 (12), 794-805, 2022
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation (Flanders), Government …
A multicenter blinded preclinical randomized controlled trial on Jak1/2 inhibition in MRL/MpJ-Faslpr mice with proliferative lupus nephritis predicts low effect size
Y Lei, B Sehnert, RE Voll, C Jacobs-Cachá, MJ Soler, MD Sanchez-Niño, ...
Kidney International 99 (6), 1331-1341, 2021
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, European Commission, Bundesministerium für …
ACE2 and ACE in acute and chronic rejection after human heart transplantation
MJ Soler, M Batlle, M Riera, B Campos, JT Ortiz-Perez, L Anguiano, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 275, 59-64, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Site-specific mRNA cleavage for selective and quantitative profiling of alternative splicing with label-free optical biosensors
CS Huertas, S Bonnal, M Soler, AM Escuela, J Valcárcel, LM Lechuga
Analytical chemistry 91 (23), 15138-15146, 2019
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Sex differences in kidney metabolism may reflect sex-dependent outcomes in human diabetic kidney disease
S Clotet-Freixas, O Zaslaver, M Kotlyar, C Pastrello, AT Quaile, ...
Science translational medicine 16 (737), eabm2090, 2024
Mandate: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
on behalf of SENCOVAC Collaborative Network. Long-Term Dynamic Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines in Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis. Vaccines 2022, 10, 1738
B Quiroga, MJ Soler, A Ortiz, RT Gansevoort, A Leyva, J Rojas, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Mandate: Government of Spain
RAS and sex differences in diabetic
S Clotet, M Riera, J Pascual, MJ Soler, MJ Soler
Mandate: Government of Spain
Articles in PresS. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (March 26, 2014). doi: 10.1152/ajprenal. 00594.2013
E Márqueza, M Rieraa, J Pascuala, MJ Solera, MJ Soler
Mandate: Government of Spain
Verfügbar: 153
Acute kidney injury in COVID-19: emerging evidence of a distinct pathophysiology
D Batlle, MJ Soler, MA Sparks, S Hiremath, AM South, PA Welling, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 31 (7), 1380-1383, 2020
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Chronic kidney disease is a key risk factor for severe COVID-19: a call to action by the ERA-EDTA
ERACODA Working Group Duivenvoorden Raphaël Franssen Casper FM Hemmelder ...
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (1), 87-94, 2021
Mandate: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France, Government of Spain
Characterization of ACE and ACE2 expression within different organs of the NOD mouse
H Roca-Ho, M Riera, V Palau, J Pascual, MJ Soler
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (3), 563, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Recent advances in nanoplasmonic biosensors: applications and lab-on-a-chip integration
GA Lopez, MC Estevez, M Soler, LM Lechuga
Nanophotonics 6 (1), 123-136, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Label-free plasmonic biosensors for point-of-care diagnostics: a review
M Soler, CS Huertas, LM Lechuga
Expert review of molecular diagnostics 19 (1), 71-81, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
How nanophotonic label-free biosensors can contribute to rapid and massive diagnostics of respiratory virus infections: COVID-19 case
M Soler, MC Estevez, M Cardenosa-Rubio, A Astua, LM Lechuga
ACS sensors 5 (9), 2663-2678, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Acute kidney injury in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors
S Gupta, SAP Short, ME Sise, JM Prosek, SM Madhavan, MJ Soler, ...
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 9 (10), 2021
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2: enhancing the degradation of angiotensin II as a potential therapy for diabetic nephropathy
D Batlle, J Wysocki, MJ Soler, K Ranganath
Kidney international 81 (6), 520-528, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
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