Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Ivan PetrovWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 7
Interpretation of X-ray photoelectron spectra of carbon-nitride thin films: New insights from in situ XPS
N Hellgren, RT Haasch, S Schmidt, L Hultman, I Petrov
Carbon 108, 242-252, 2016
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Self-organized anisotropic (Zr1− xSix) Ny nanocomposites grown by reactive sputter deposition
N Ghafoor, I Petrov, DO Klenov, B Freitag, J Jensen, JE Greene, ...
Acta Materialia 82, 179-189, 2015
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
V0. 5Mo0. 5Nx/MgO (001): Composition, nanostructure, and mechanical properties as a function of film growth temperature
H Kindlund, G Greczynski, E Broitman, L Martínez-de-Olcoz, J Lu, ...
Acta Materialia 126, 194-201, 2017
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Growth and mechanical properties of 111-oriented V0. 5Mo0. 5Nx/Al2O3 (0001) thin films
H Kindlund, J Lu, E Broitman, I Petrov, JE Greene, J Birch, L Hultman
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 36 (5), 2018
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Cubic-structure Al-rich TiAlSiN thin films grown by hybrid high-power impulse magnetron co-sputtering with synchronized Al+ irradiation
Z Wu, Q Wang, I Petrov, JE Greene, L Hultman, G Greczynski
Surface and Coatings Technology 385, 125364, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Knut and Alice Wallenberg …
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of TiBx (1.3≤ x≤ 3.0) thin films
N Hellgren, G Greczynski, MA Sortica, I Petrov, L Hultman, J Rosen
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 39 (2), 2021
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Reprint of: Improving oxidation and wear resistance of TiB2 films by nano-multilayering with Cr
Z Wu, R Ye, B Bakhit, I Petrov, L Hultman, G Greczynski
Surface and Coatings Technology 442, 128602, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Knut and Alice Wallenberg …
Verfügbar: 84
Highly sensitive, mechanically stable nanopore sensors for DNA analysis
BM Venkatesan, B Dorvel, S Yemenicioglu, N Watkins, I Petrov, R Bashir
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 21 (27), 2771, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Toughness enhancement in hard ceramic thin films by alloy design
H Kindlund, DG Sangiovanni, L Martínez-de-Olcoz, J Lu, J Jensen, J Birch, ...
APL Materials 1 (4), 2013
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Paradigm shift in thin-film growth by magnetron sputtering: From gas-ion to metal-ion irradiation of the growing film
G Greczynski, I Petrov, JE Greene, L Hultman
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37 (6), 2019
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Dynamic and structural stability of cubic vanadium nitride
AB Mei, O Hellman, N Wireklint, CM Schlepütz, DG Sangiovanni, B Alling, ...
Physical Review B 91 (5), 054101, 2015
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Swedish Research Council
A review of the intrinsic ductility and toughness of hard transition-metal nitride alloy thin films
H Kindlund, DG Sangiovanni, I Petrov, JE Greene, L Hultman
Thin Solid Films 688, 137479, 2019
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Vacancy-induced toughening in hard single-crystal V0. 5Mo0. 5Nx/MgO (0 0 1) thin films
H Kindlund, DG Sangiovanni, J Lu, J Jensen, V Chirita, J Birch, I Petrov, ...
Acta materialia 77, 394-400, 2014
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Improving the high-temperature oxidation resistance of TiB2 thin films by alloying with Al
B Bakhit, J Palisaitis, J Thörnberg, J Rosen, POÅ Persson, L Hultman, ...
Acta Materialia 196, 677-689, 2020
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Strain-free, single-phase metastable Ti0. 38Al0. 62N alloys with high hardness: metal-ion energy vs. momentum effects during film growth by hybrid high-power pulsed/dc …
G Greczynski, J Lu, J Jensen, I Petrov, JE Greene, S Bolz, W Kölker, ...
Thin Solid Films 556, 87-98, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Physical properties of epitaxial ZrN/MgO (001) layers grown by reactive magnetron sputtering
AB Mei, BM Howe, C Zhang, M Sardela, JN Eckstein, L Hultman, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 31 (6), 2013
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Effects of phase stability, lattice ordering, and electron density on plastic deformation in cubic TiWN pseudobinary transition-metal nitride alloys
DG Sangiovanni, L Hultman, V Chirita, I Petrov, JE Greene
Acta Materialia 103, 823-835, 2016
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Elastic constants, Poisson ratios, and the elastic anisotropy of VN (001),(011), and (111) epitaxial layers grown by reactive magnetron sputter deposition
AB Mei, RB Wilson, D Li, DG Cahill, A Rockett, J Birch, L Hultman, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (21), 2014
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Controlling the B/Ti ratio of TiBx thin films grown by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering
B Bakhit, I Petrov, JE Greene, L Hultman, J Rosén, G Greczynski
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 36 (3), 2018
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations of N2 desorption from TiN (001) surfaces
DG Sangiovanni, D Edström, L Hultman, I Petrov, JE Greene, V Chirita
Surface science 624, 25-31, 2014
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
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