Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Carolina GonzalezWeitere Informationen
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Availability, production, and consumption of crops biofortified by plant breeding: current evidence and future potential
A Saltzman, E Birol, A Oparinde, MS Andersson, D Asare‐Marfo, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1390 (1), 104-114, 2017
Mandate: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CGIAR
Joint adoption of rice technologies among Bolivian farmers
JM Martinez, RA Labarta, C Gonzalez, DC Lopera
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 50 (2), 252-272, 2021
Mandate: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur …
Home gardens, household nutrition and income in rural farm households in Odisha, India
SO Ogutu, J Mockshell, J Garrett, R Labarta, T Ritter, E Martey, ...
Journal of Agricultural Economics 74 (3), 744-763, 2023
Mandate: CGIAR
Market participation of small-scale rice farmers in Eastern Bolivia
DC Lopera, C Gonzalez, JM Martinez
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 55 (3), 471-491, 2023
Mandate: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur …
His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households. Methods guide: Designing and implementation of data collection tools
J Muriel, J Twyman, DC Lopera, P Useche, C González, EF Talsma, ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2019
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK, CGIAR
Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua, Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.
ML Río Duque, C González, DM Córdoba, FC Howland, N Gutiérrez, ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2017
Mandate: Ford Foundation
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