Norbert Trautmann
Norbert Trautmann
Professor für Quantitative Methoden der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Bern
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Advanced production scheduling for batch plants in process industries
K Neumann, C Schwindt, N Trautmann
OR spectrum 24, 251-279, 2002
Batch scheduling in process industries: an application of resource–constrained project scheduling
C Schwindt, N Trautmann
OR-Spektrum 22, 501-524, 2000
A priority-rule method for project scheduling with work-content constraints
CU Fündeling, N Trautmann
European Journal of Operational Research 203 (3), 568-574, 2010
Scheduling of continuous and discontinuous material flows with intermediate storage restrictions
K Neumann, C Schwindt, N Trautmann
European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2), 495-509, 2005
Portfolio-optimization models for small investors
P Baumann, N Trautmann
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 77, 345-356, 2013
Scheduling the production of rolling ingots: industrial context, model, and solution method
C Schwindt, N Trautmann
International Transactions in Operational Research 10 (6), 547-563, 2003
A hybrid method for large-scale short-term scheduling of make-and-pack production processes
P Baumann, N Trautmann
European Journal of Operational Research 236 (2), 718-735, 2014
A continuous-time MILP model for short-term scheduling of make-and-pack production processes
P Baumann, N Trautmann
International Journal of Production Research 51 (6), 1707-1727, 2013
An iterated-local-search heuristic for the resource-constrained weighted earliness-tardiness project scheduling problem
F Ballestin, N Trautmann
International Journal of Production Research 46 (22), 6231-6249, 2008
Anlagenbelegungsplanung in der Prozessindustrie
N Trautmann
Operations Research Proceedings 2001: Selected Papers of the International …, 2002
Resource allocation with project management software
C Mellentien, N Trautmann
OR-Spektrum 23, 383-394, 2001
Resource-allocation capabilities of commercial project management software: an experimental analysis
N Trautmann, P Baumann
2009 International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1143-1148, 2009
Scheduling the factory pick-up of new cars
C Mellentien, C Schwindt, N Trautmann
OR Spectrum 26, 579-601, 2004
Optimal scheduling of work-content-constrained projects
P Baumann, N Trautmann
2013 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering …, 2013
Planning of a make-to-order production process in the printing industry
P Baumann, S Forrer, N Trautmann
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 27, 534-560, 2015
Two continuous-time assignment-based models for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem
M Gnägi, T Rihm, A Zimmermann, N Trautmann
Computers & industrial engineering 129, 346-353, 2019
The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with work-content constraints
P Baumann, CU Fündeling, N Trautmann
Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 1, 533-544, 2015
Batch Production Scheduling in the Process Industries.
K Gentner, K Neumann, C Schwindt, N Trautmann
Handbook of Scheduling 48, 2004
A priority-rule based method for batch production scheduling in the process industries
C Schwindt, N Trautmann
Operations Research Proceedings 2003: Selected Papers of the International …, 2004
A two-stage approach to the UCITS-constrained index-tracking problem
O Strub, N Trautmann
Computers & operations research 103, 167-183, 2019
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