Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - noelle aartsWeitere Informationen
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Techne meets Metis: Knowledge and practices for tick control in Laikipia County, Kenya
F Mutavi, N Aarts, A Van Paassen, I Heitkönig, B Wieland
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 86, 136-145, 2018
Mandate: CGIAR
Tick treatment practices in the field: Access to, knowledge about, and on-farm use of acaricides in Laikipia, Kenya
F Mutavi, I Heitkönig, B Wieland, N Aarts, A Van Paassen
Ticks and tick-borne diseases 12 (5), 101757, 2021
Mandate: CGIAR
Communication as intermediation for socio-technical innovation
C Leeuwis, N Aarts
Journal of Science Communication 15 (6), C02, 2016
Mandate: CGIAR
Meaning-making on the ground: an empirical study on interactional framing in environmental conflicts
K van Vuuren-Verkerk, N Aarts, J van der Stoep
Journal of Communication Management 25 (4), 368-384, 2021
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Influence of musical context on sensorimotor synchronization in classical ballet solo dance
M Talebi, A Campo, N Aarts, M Leman
Plos one 18 (4), e0284387, 2023
Mandate: European Commission
Dynamics and Dependencies in Regional Collaboration for Biodiversity Restoration: Reflections from the Netherlands
S Baumgarten, N Aarts, JM Fliervoet, L Krabbenborg
Environmental Management, 1-16, 2024
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Dogs in Dutch Media: Exploring Public Opinion As A Step Toward Solving Dog Welfare Problems
S Ophorst, N Aarts, B Bovenkerk, H Hopster
society & animals 1 (aop), 1-20, 2023
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Affective Encounters with More-than-humans: Digital Platforms in a Time of Environmental Loss
H Verploegen, RJG van den Born, N Aarts
Conservation and Society 22 (2), 53-62, 2024
Mandate: European Commission
The Transformation Flower Approach for leveraging change towards multiple value creation and institutional change
P Huntjens, A Rinscheid, R Kemp, B Van Helvoirt, N Aarts, ...
Preprints, 2023
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Not All Puppies and Sunshine: How Dog Keepers Cope with Dog-Related Problems in Dutch Society
S Ophorst, N Aarts, B Bovenkerk, H Hopster
Animals 13 (6), 1038, 2023
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Rangeland Collaboration: Effects of the Border Crisis on a Governance Network
AM York, ML Schoon
Mandate: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
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