Melanie Viola Partsch
Melanie Viola Partsch
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An English-language adaptation of the social desirability–gamma short scale (KSE-G)
D Nießen, MV Partsch, CJ Kemper, B Rammstedt
Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences 1, 1-10, 2019
Individual, situational, and cultural correlates of acquiescent responding: Towards a unified conceptual framework
CM Lechner, MV Partsch, D Danner, B Rammstedt
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 72 (3), 426-446, 2019
Revisiting the hierarchical structure of the 24 VIA character strengths: Three global dimensions may suffice to capture their essence
MV Partsch, M Bluemke, CM Lechner
European Journal of Personality 36 (5), 825-845, 2022
Perceptions on and attitudes towards lifelong learning in the educational system
M Landberg, MV Partsch
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (1), 100534, 2023
Measuring self-control in international large-scale surveys
MV Partsch, D Danner
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2020
Human character in the IPIP: Towards shorter, more content-valid, and cross-culturally comparable IPIP-VIA character strength scales
M Bluemke, M Partsch, G Saucier, C Lechner
PsyArXiv, 2021
Modeling determinants of lifelong learning according to the Theory of Planned Behavior: A proxy-based approach using PIAAC data
MV Partsch, M Landberg
Adult Education Quarterly 74 (2), 132-151, 2024
VaLiGo—Measuring basic human values and life goals with a nested 30–20–10-item inventory (German version)
M Partsch, I Schmidt, P Haehner, C Lechner
PsyArXiv, 2023
Basic human values and the adoption of cryptocurrency
A Stanciu, M Partsch, CM Lechner
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1395674, 2024
Measuring Global Character Dimensions: An Ant Colony Optimization Approach toward Three Core Strength Scales
MV Partsch, G Olaru, CM Lechner
Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-16, 2024
CASMIN versus ISCED: Validating standard education variables for German microdata
SL Schneider, L Palm, MV Partsch
SocArXiv, 2024
A Simulation Study on the Interaction Effects of Underfactoring and Nuisance Parameters on Model Fit Indices
MV Partsch, P Sterner, D Goretzko
OSF, 2024
Methodological challenges in the assessment of good character
MV Partsch
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, 2023
Facettentheoretische Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zu Personal Need for Structure
MV Partsch
Universität Mannheim, 2016
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