Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Willem L. VosWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 2
Transport of Circularly Polarized Light in Three-Dimensional Chiral Photonic Crystals
S Takahashi, T Tajiri, Y Arakawa, S Iwamoto, WL Vos
CLEO-PR 2022, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, Sapporo …, 2022
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Designing Three-Dimensional Nanostructures in a Single Step.
AAPPS Bulletin 26 (1), 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Verfügbar: 51
Speckle correlation resolution enhancement of wide-field fluorescence imaging
H Yilmaz, EG van Putten, J Bertolotti, A Lagendijk, WL Vos, AP Mosk
Optica 2 (5), 424-429, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Classical antennas, quantum emitters, and densities of optical states
WL Barnes, SAR Horsley, WL Vos
Journal of Optics 22 (7), 073501, 2020
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Royal Society UK
Transmission channels for light in absorbing random media: from diffusive to ballistic-like transport
SF Liew, SM Popoff, AP Mosk, WL Vos, H Cao
Physical Review B 89 (22), 224202, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Programmable two-photon quantum interference in channels in opaque scattering media
TAW Wolterink, R Uppu, G Ctistis, WL Vos, KJ Boller, PWH Pinkse
Physical Review A 93 (5), 053817, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Förster resonance energy transfer rate in any dielectric nanophotonic medium with weak dispersion
M Wubs, WL Vos
New journal of physics 18 (5), 053037, 2016
Mandate: Danish Council for Independent Research, Danish National Research Foundation …
Local density of optical states in the band gap of a finite one-dimensional photonic crystal
E Yeganegi, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Physical Review B 89 (4), 045123, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Finite-size scaling of the density of states in photonic band gap crystals
SB Hasan, AP Mosk, WL Vos, A Lagendijk
Physical review letters 120 (23), 237402, 2018
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Design of a three-dimensional photonic band gap cavity in a diamondlike inverse woodpile photonic crystal
LA Woldering, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115140, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Three-dimensional photonic band gap cavity with finite support: Enhanced energy density and optical absorption
D Devashish, OS Ojambati, SB Hasan, JJW van der Vegt, WL Vos
Physical Review B 99 (7), 075112, 2019
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Three-dimensional spatially resolved optical energy density enhanced by wavefront shaping: supplementary material
P Hong, OS Ojambati, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Optica 5, 844-849, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Analytical modeling of light transport in scattering materials with strong absorption
ML Meretska, R Uppu, G Vissenberg, A Lagendijk, WL IJzerman, WL Vos
Optics express 25 (20), A906-A921, 2017
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Reflectivity calculated for a three-dimensional silicon photonic band gap crystal with finite support
D Devashish, SB Hasan, JJW van der Vegt, WL Vos
Physical Review B 95 (15), 155141, 2017
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Coupling of energy into the fundamental diffusion mode of a complex nanophotonic medium
OS Ojambati, H Yılmaz, A Lagendijk, AP Mosk, WL Vos
New journal of physics 18 (4), 043032, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Controlling the intensity of light in large areas at the interfaces of a scattering medium
OS Ojambati, JT Hosmer-Quint, KJ Gorter, AP Mosk, WL Vos
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043834, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Optical transmission matrix as a probe of the photonic strength
D Akbulut, T Strudley, J Bertolotti, EPAM Bakkers, A Lagendijk, ...
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043817, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, UK Engineering and …
Local density of optical states in the three-dimensional band gap of a finite photonic crystal
CP Mavidis, AC Tasolamprou, SB Hasan, T Koschny, EN Economou, ...
Physical Review B 101 (23), 235309, 2020
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research …
Spatially shaping waves to penetrate deep inside a forbidden gap
R Uppu, M Adhikary, CAM Harteveld, WL Vos
Physical review letters 126 (17), 177402, 2021
Mandate: Danish National Research Foundation, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific …
Experimental probe of a complete 3D photonic band gap
M Adhikary, R Uppu, CAM Harteveld, DA Grishina, WL Vos
Optics express 28 (3), 2683-2698, 2020
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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