Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Carolina ScartonWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 3
Evaluating progression of alzheimer’s disease by regression and classification methods in a narrative language test in portuguese
S Aluísio, A Cunha, C Scarton
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 12th International …, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Using cross-linguistic knowledge to build VerbNet-style lexicons: Results for a (Brazilian) Portuguese VerbNet
C Scarton, M Sanches Duran, SM Aluísio
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 11th International …, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Domain-Driven and Discourse-Guided Scientific Summarisation
T Goldsack, Z Zhang, C Lin, C Scarton
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 361-376, 2023
Mandate: UK Research & Innovation
Verfügbar: 33
Findings of the 2016 conference on machine translation
O Bojar, R Chatterjee, C Federmann, Y Graham, B Haddow, M Huck, ...
Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation: Volume 2, Shared …, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Multi-level translation quality prediction with quest++
L Specia, G Paetzold, C Scarton
Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP 2015 System Demonstrations, 115-120, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
Learning Simplifications for Specific Target Audiences
C Scarton, L Specia
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Learning how to simplify from explicit labeling of complex-simplified text pairs
F Alva-Manchego, J Bingel, G Paetzold, C Scarton, L Specia
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
Probing for idiomaticity in vector space models
M Garcia, TK Vieira, C Scarton, M Idiart, A Villavicencio
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2021
Mandate: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Government of Spain
MUSST: A Multilingual Syntactic Simplification Tool
C Scarton, AP Aprosio, S Tonelli, TM Wanton, L Specia
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, System Demonstrations, 25-28, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
Document-level translation quality estimation: exploring discourse and pseudo-references
C Scarton, L Specia
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
Text Simplification from Professionally Produced Corpora
C Scarton, G Paetzold, L Specia
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Searching for context: a study on document-level labels for translation quality estimation
C Scarton, M Zampieri, M Vela, J van Genabith, L Specia
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2015
Mandate: European Commission
A Reading Comprehension Corpus for Machine Translation Evaluation
C Scarton, L Specia
Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC …, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
SimPA: A Sentence-Level Simplification Corpus for the Public Administration Domain
C Scarton, G Paetzold, L Specia
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Exploring Gap Filling as a Cheaper Alternative to Reading Comprehension Questionnaires when Evaluating Machine Translation for Gisting
ML Forcada, C Scarton, L Specia, B Haddow, A Birch
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Research Papers …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission, Government of Spain
Sheffield submissions for wmt18 multimodal translation shared task
C Lala, PS Madhyastha, C Scarton, L Specia
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task …, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Word embeddings and discourse information for Quality Estimation
C Scarton, D Beck, K Shah, KS Smith, L Specia
Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation: Volume 2, Shared …, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Improving evaluation of document-level machine translation quality estimation
Y Graham, Q Ma, T Baldwin, Q Liu, CP Escartín, C Scarton
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
Mandate: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission
Verb clustering for brazilian portuguese
C Scarton, L Sun, K Kipper-Schuler, MS Duran, M Palmer, A Korhonen
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 15th …, 2014
Mandate: European Commission
VaxxHesitancy: A Dataset for Studying Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccination on Twitter
Y Mu, M Jin, C Grimshaw, C Scarton, K Bontcheva, X Song
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17 …, 2023
Mandate: European Commission, UK Research & Innovation
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