Krista B. Lewellyn
Krista B. Lewellyn
Florida Southern College
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CEO power and risk taking: Evidence from the subprime lending industry
KB Lewellyn, MI Muller‐Kahle
Corporate Governance: An International Review 20 (3), 289-307, 2012
Ownership structure and earnings management in emerging markets—An institutionalized agency perspective
SR Bao, KB Lewellyn
International Business Review 26 (5), 828-838, 2017
Did board configuration matter? The case of US subprime lenders
MI Muller‐Kahle, KB Lewellyn
Corporate Governance: An International Review 19 (5), 405-417, 2011
The corporate board glass ceiling: The role of empowerment and culture in shaping board gender diversity
KB Lewellyn, MI Muller-Kahle
Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2), 329-346, 2020
Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system
A Zattoni, MA Witt, WQ Judge, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Journal of World Business 52 (5), 628-639, 2017
Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross‐national sample: A multilevel knowledge‐based view
WQ Judge, MA Witt, A Zattoni, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1174-1185, 2015
The role of national culture and corruption on managing earnings around the world
KB Lewellyn
Journal of World Business 52 (6), 798-808, 2017
Effectiveness of CEO power bundles and discretion context: Unpacking the ‘fuzziness’ of the CEO duality puzzle
KB Lewellyn, S Fainshmidt
Organization Studies 38 (11), 1603-1624, 2017
R&D investment in the global paper products industry: A behavioral theory of the firm and national culture perspective
KB Lewellyn
Journal of International Management 21 (1), 1-17, 2015
Pilot, pivot and advisory boards: The role of governance configurations in innovation commitment
E Schiehll, KB Lewellyn, MI Muller-Kahle
Organization Studies 39 (10), 1449-1472, 2018
A cross-national investigation of IPO activity: The role of formal institutions and national culture
KB Lewellyn
International Business Review 23 (6), 1167-1178, 2014
A configurational approach to understanding gender differences in entrepreneurial activity: a fuzzy set analysis of 40 countries
KB Lewellyn, MI Muller-Kahle
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12, 765-790, 2016
Income inequality, entrepreneurial activity, and national business systems: A configurational analysis
KB Lewellyn
Business & Society 57 (6), 1114-1149, 2018
A configurational exploration of how female and male CEOs influence their compensation
KB Lewellyn, MI Muller-Kahle
Journal of Management 48 (7), 2031-2074, 2022
Exploring the questionable academic practice of conference paper double dipping
KB Lewellyn, WQ Judge, A Smith
Academy of Management Learning & Education 16 (2), 217-236, 2017
The configurational effects of board monitoring and the institutional environment on CEO compensation: A country-level fuzzy-set analysis
KB Lewellyn, MI Muller-Kahle
Journal of Management & Governance 20, 729-757, 2016
A configurational perspective of boards' attention structures
E Schiehll, K Lewellyn, W Yan
Corporate Governance: An International Review 31 (5), 676-696, 2023
The effect of female board representation on the level of ownership in foreign acquisitions
F Askarzadeh, K Lewellyn, H Islam, K Moghaddam
Corporate Governance: An International Review 30 (5), 608-626, 2022
ESG leaders or laggards? A configurational analysis of ESG performance
K Lewellyn, M Muller-Kahle
Business & Society 63 (5), 1149-1202, 2024
Corruption in China-A review
R Bao, K Lewellyn
Modern China Studies 24 (2), 158, 2017
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