Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Petteri MuukkonenWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 3
Allometric models for estimating leaf biomass of sisal in a semi-arid environment in Kenya
I Vuorinne, J Heiskanen, M Maghenda, L Mwangala, P Muukkonen, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 155, 106294, 2021
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Applying open GIS data to study wetland forests and ditches in Finland
T Ruikkala, I Aalto, M Peltoniemi, A Salmivaara, S Tuominen, ...
GIS applications in teaching and research 17, 41-52, 2019
Mandate: Academy of Finland
Preface to the special issue on monitoring and modelling of carbon-balance-, water-and snow-related phenomena at northern latitudes
T Aalto, M Peltoniemi, M Aurela, K Böttcher, Y Gao, S Härkönen, P Härmä, ...
Boreal Environment Research 20 (2), 145-150, 2015
Mandate: Academy of Finland
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