David Goretzko
David Goretzko
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Exploratory factor analysis: Current use, methodological developments and recommendations for good practice
D Goretzko, TTH Pham, M Bühner
Current psychology 40, 3510-3521, 2021
Evaluating model fit of measurement models in confirmatory factor analysis
D Goretzko, K Siemund, P Sterner
Educational and Psychological Measurement 84 (1), 123-144, 2024
One model to rule them all? Using machine learning algorithms to determine the number of factors in exploratory factor analysis.
D Goretzko, M Bühner
Psychological Methods 25 (6), 776, 2020
Machine learning for the educational sciences
S Hilbert, S Coors, E Kraus, B Bischl, A Lindl, M Frei, J Wild, S Krauss, ...
Review of Education 9 (3), 2021
Pitfalls of machine learning-based Personnel Selection
D Goretzko, LSF Israel
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2021
Investigating parallel analysis in the context of missing data: a simulation study comparing six missing data methods
D Goretzko, C Heumann, M Bühner
Educational and Psychological Measurement 80 (4), 756-774, 2020
Factor retention using machine learning with ordinal data
D Goretzko, M Bühner
Applied Psychological Measurement 46 (5), 406-421, 2022
Factor retention in exploratory factor analysis with missing data
D Goretzko
Educational and Psychological Measurement 82 (3), 444-464, 2022
Everything has its price: Foundations of cost-sensitive learning and its application in psychology
P Sterner, D Goretzko, F Pargent
Psychological Methods (advance online publication), 2023
Robustness of factor solutions in exploratory factor analysis
D Goretzko, M Bühner
Behaviormetrika 49 (1), 131-148, 2022
Prevalence and pattern of acute and chronic multimorbidity across all body systems and age groups in primary health care
M Linden, U Linden, D Goretzko, J Gensichen
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 272, 2022
Exploratory factor analysis trees: Evaluating measurement invariance between multiple covariates
P Sterner, D Goretzko
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 30 (6), 871-886, 2023
The comparison data forest: A new comparison data approach to determine the number of factors in exploratory factor analysis
D Goretzko, J Ruscio
Behavior Research Methods 56 (3), 1838-1851, 2024
Supporting return to work after psychiatric hospitalization–a cluster randomized study (RETURN-Study)
J Hamann, A Lang, L Riedl, D Blank, M Kohl, A Brucks, D Goretzko, ...
European Psychiatry, 1--21, 2023
Not very powerful
D Goretzko, F Pargent, LNN Sust, M Bühner
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2019
Note: Machine Learning Modeling and Optimization Techniques in Psychological Assessment
D Goretzko, M Bühner
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 64 (1), 3-21, 2022
A Causal Framework for the Comparability of Latent Variables
P Sterner, F Pargent, D Deffner, D Goretzko
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1-12, 2024
Regularized exploratory factor analysis as an alternative to factor rotation.
D Goretzko
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2023
Assessing the dimensionality of a New Italian Covid-19 Conspiracy Beliefs Questionnaire.
L Antichi, D Goretzko, M Giannini
BPA-Applied Psychology Bulletin (Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata), 2022
Florian Pargent, David Goretzko and Timo von Oertzen's contribution to the Discussion of ‘Vintage Factor Analysis with Varimax Performs Statistical Inference’by Rohe & Zeng
F Pargent, D Goretzko, T von Oertzen
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2023
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