James G. Berryman
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Long‐wavelength propagation in composite elastic media I. Spherical inclusions
JG Berryman
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68 (6), 1809-1819, 1980
Seismic attenuation due to wave‐induced flow
SR Pride, JG Berryman, JM Harris
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B1), 2004
Mathematics of multidimensional seismic imaging, migration, and inversion. interdisciplinary applied mathematics, vol 13
N Bleistein, JK Cohen, JW Stockwell Jr, JG Berryman
Appl. Mech. Rev. 54 (5), B94-B96, 2001
Random close packing of hard spheres and disks
JG Berryman
Physical Review A 27 (2), 1053, 1983
Mixture theories for rock properties
JG Berryman
Rock physics and phase relations: A handbook of physical constants 3, 205-228, 1995
Confirmation of Biot’s theory
JG Berryman
Applied Physics Letters 37 (4), 382-384, 1980
Linear dynamics of double-porosity dual-permeability materials. I. Governing equations and acoustic attenuation
SR Pride, JG Berryman
Physical Review E 68 (3), 036603, 2003
Single‐scattering approximations for coefficients in Biot’s equations of poroelasticity
JG Berryman
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91 (2), 551-571, 1992
Effective stress for transport properties of inhomogeneous porous rock
JG Berryman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B12), 17409-17424, 1992
Long-wave elastic anisotropy in transversely isotropic media
JG Berryman
Geophysics 44 (5), 896-917, 1979
Use of digital image analysis to estimate fluid permeability of porous materials: Application of two‐point correlation functions
JG Berryman, SC Blair
Journal of applied Physics 60 (6), 1930-1938, 1986
Imaging and time reversal in random media
L Borcea, G Papanicolaou, C Tsogka, J Berryman
Inverse Problems 18 (5), 1247, 2002
The elastic coefficients of double‐porosity models for fluid transport in jointed rock
JG Berryman, HF Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 100 (B12), 24611-24627, 1995
Measurement of spatial correlation functions using image processing techniques
JG Berryman
Journal of Applied Physics 57 (7), 2374-2384, 1985
Elastic wave propagation and attenuation in a double-porosity dual-permeability medium
JG Berryman, HF Wang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 37 (1-2), 63-78, 2000
Origin of Gassmann’s equations
JG Berryman
Geophysics 64 (5), 1627-1629, 1999
Linear dynamics of double-porosity dual-permeability materials. II. Fluid transport equations
SR Pride, JG Berryman
Physical Review E 68 (3), 036604, 2003
Elastic moduli of a material containing composite inclusions: effective medium theory and finite element computations
EJ Garboczi, JG Berryman
Mechanics of materials 33 (8), 455-470, 2001
On the relationship between stress and elastic strain for porous and fractured rock
HH Liu, J Rutqvist, JG Berryman
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (2), 289-296, 2009
Exact results for generalized Gassmann’s equations in composite porous media with two constituents
JG Berryman, GW Milton
Geophysics 56 (12), 1950-1960, 1991
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