Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - eliane bucherWeitere Informationen
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The Connectivity Conundrum.
E Bucher, C Fieseler
Morals & Machines 2 (2), 74-89, 2023
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
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What's mine is yours (for a nominal fee)–Exploring the spectrum of utilitarian to altruistic motives for Internet-mediated sharing
E Bucher, C Fieseler, C Lutz
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 316-326, 2016
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Unfairness by design? The perceived fairness of digital labor on crowdworking platforms
C Fieseler, E Bucher, CP Hoffmann
Journal of Business Ethics 156, 987-1005, 2019
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Pacifying the algorithm–Anticipatory compliance in the face of algorithmic management in the gig economy
EL Bucher, PK Schou, M Waldkirch
Organization 28 (1), 44-67, 2021
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
The role of privacy concerns in the sharing economy
C Lutz, CP Hoffmann, E Bucher, C Fieseler
Information, Communication & Society 21 (10), 1472-1492, 2018
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Controlled by the algorithm, coached by the crowd–how HRM activities take shape on digital work platforms in the gig economy
M Waldkirch, E Bucher, PK Schou, E Grünwald
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (12), 2643-2682, 2021
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Authenticity and the sharing economy
E Bucher, C Fieseler, M Fleck, C Lutz
Academy of Management Discoveries 4 (3), 294-313, 2018
Mandate: European Commission, Research Council of Norway
The flow of digital labor
E Bucher, C Fieseler
New media & society 19 (11), 1868-1886, 2017
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Entrepreneurial learning in online communities
PK Schou, E Bucher, M Waldkirch
Small Business Economics, 1-22, 2022
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
A relational work perspective on the gig economy: doing creative work on digital labour platforms
A Alacovska, E Bucher, C Fieseler
Work, Employment and Society 38 (1), 161-179, 2024
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Shaping emotional labor practices in the sharing economy
E Bucher, C Fieseler, C Lutz, G Newlands
Theorizing the sharing economy: Variety and trajectories of new forms of …, 2020
Mandate: European Commission, Research Council of Norway
Professionals, purpose-seekers, and passers-through: How microworkers reconcile alienation and platform commitment through identity work
E Bucher, C Fieseler, C Lutz, A Buhmann
new media & society 26 (1), 190-215, 2024
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Christoph Lutz and Alexander Buhmann
E Bucher, C Fieseler
new media & society 1, 26, 2021
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
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