Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - José Luis González VelardeWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 5
Designing routes for WEEE collection: the vehicle routing problem with split loads and date windows
J Mar-Ortiz, JL González-Velarde, B Adenso-Díaz
Journal of Heuristics 19, 103-127, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Hybrid estimation of distribution algorithm for the quay crane scheduling problem
C Expósito-Izquierdo, JL González-Velarde, B Melián-Batista, ...
Applied Soft Computing 13 (10), 4063-4076, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Estimation of distribution algorithm for the quay crane scheduling problem
CE Izquierdo, JLG Velarde, BM Batista, JM Moreno-Vega
Nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2011), 183-194, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Applying algorithm selection–a case study for the generalised assignment problem
H Degroote, JL González-Velarde, P De Causmaecker
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 69, 205-212, 2018
Mandate: Belgian Science Policy Office
A VNS algorithm for a disassembly cell formation problem with demand variability
J Mar-Ortiz, JL González-Velarde, B Adenso-Díaz
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 8 (1), 22-49, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
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Biased random key genetic algorithm for the tactical berth allocation problem
E Lalla-Ruiz, JL González-Velarde, B Melián-Batista, JM Moreno-Vega
Applied Soft Computing 22, 60-76, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Design of a recovery network for WEEE collection: the case of Galicia, Spain
J Mar-Ortiz, B Adenso-Diaz, JL González-Velarde
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (8), 1471-1484, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Multiobjective scatter search for a commercial territory design problem
MA Salazar-Aguilar, RZ Ríos-Mercado, JL González-Velarde, J Molina
Annals of Operations Research 199, 343-360, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
A novel model for arc territory design: promoting Eulerian districts
G García‐Ayala, JL González‐Velarde, RZ Ríos‐Mercado, E Fernández
International Transactions in Operational Research 23 (3), 433-458, 2016
Mandate: Government of Spain
A comparison of manufacturing and disassembly systems from a cellular configuration point of view
J Mar-Ortiz, B Adenso-Díaz, JL González-Velarde
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79, 2003-2016, 2015
Mandate: Government of Spain
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