Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Robert FalknerWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 2
International Trade, the Environment, and Climate Change
N Jaspers, R Falkner
The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy, 412-427, 2013
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Internationalising biotechnology policy in China
R Falkner
The International Politics of Genetically Modified Food: Diplomacy, Trade …, 2015
Mandate: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Verfügbar: 3
A minilateral solution for global climate change? On bargaining efficiency, club benefits, and international legitimacy
R Falkner
Perspectives on Politics 14 (1), 87-101, 2016
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Climate clubs: politically feasible and desirable?
R Falkner, N Nasiritousi, G Reischl
Climate Policy 22 (4), 480-487, 2022
Mandate: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Strengthening non-state climate action: a progress assessment of commitments launched at the 2014 UN Climate Summit
S Chan, R Falkner, HV Asselt, M Goldberg
London, UK: Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy/Grantham Research …, 2015
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
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