Andreas Humpe
Andreas Humpe
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Can macroeconomic variables explain long-term stock market movements? A comparison of the US and Japan
A Humpe, P Macmillan
Applied financial economics 19 (2), 111-119, 2009
The global scale, distribution and growth of aviation: Implications for climate change
S Gössling, A Humpe
Global Environmental Change 65, 102194, 2020
Does ‘flight shame’affect social norms? Changing perspectives on the desirability of air travel in Germany
S Gössling, A Humpe, T Bausch
Journal of Cleaner Production 266, 122015, 2020
A global review of marine air pollution policies, their scope and effectiveness
S Gössling, C Meyer-Habighorst, A Humpe
Ocean & Coastal Management 212, 105824, 2021
COVID-19 and pathways to low-carbon air transport until 2050
S Gössling, A Humpe, F Fichert, F Creutzig
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034063, 2021
Educational tourism and experiential learning: Students’ perceptions of field trips
C Arcodia, M Abreu Novais, N Cavlek, A Humpe
Tourism Review 76 (1), 241-254, 2021
Effects of perceived traffic risks, noise, and exhaust smells on bicyclist behaviour: An economic evaluation
S Gössling, A Humpe, T Litman, D Metzler
Sustainability 11 (2), 408, 2019
Virtual reality in tourism: is it ‘real’enough?
M Rauscher
Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal 13 (2), 2020
Is it time to abolish company car benefits? An analysis of transport behaviour in Germany and implications for climate change
D Metzler, A Humpe, S Gössling
Climate Policy 19 (5), 542-555, 2019
Does climate change influence guest loyalty at alpine winter destinations?
T Bausch, A Humpe, S Gössling
Sustainability 11 (15), 4233, 2019
Bridge inspection with an off-the-shelf 360 camera drone
A Humpe
Drones 4 (4), 67, 2020
Macroeconomic variables and long-term stock market performance. A panel ARDL cointegration approach for G7 countries
A Humpe, DG McMillan
Cogent Economics & Finance 8 (1), 1816257, 2020
Net-zero aviation: Time for a new business model?
S Gössling, A Humpe
Journal of Air Transport Management 107, 102353, 2023
How weather conditions affect guest arrivals and duration of stay: An alpine destination case
T Bausch, WC Gartner, A Humpe
International Journal of Tourism Research 23 (6), 1006-1026, 2021
Collaborative learning with COZMO to teach programming in SCRATCH and Python
L Brehm, H Guenzel, O Hinz, A Humpe, H Martius
2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 448-452, 2019
Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 C ambitions
S Gössling, A Humpe
Cleaner Production Letters 4, 100027, 2023
Non-linear predictability of stock market returns: comparative evidence from Japan and the US
A Humpe, P Macmillan
Investment Management and Financial Innovations 11 (4), 2014
Can macroeconomic variables explain long term stock movements? A comparison of the US and Japan
A Humpe, P Macmillan
Working paper no, 17, Centre for Dynamic Microeconomic Analysis, 2009
Risky and anxious-aggressive drivers: A key barrier to traffic safety legislation in Germany
S Haustein, A Humpe, S Gössling
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 89, 84-96, 2022
On track to net-zero? Large tourism enterprises and climate change
S Gössling, A Humpe, YY Sun
Tourism Management 100, 104842, 2024
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