Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Swarup PandaWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 6
Electronic structure and exchange interactions of insulating double perovskite La 2 CuRuO 6
SK Panda, YO Kvashnin, B Sanyal, I Dasgupta, O Eriksson
Physical Review B 94 (6), 064427, 2016
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Template-directed hierarchical copper (II)-organophosphonate compounds: Syntheses, crystal structures, magnetic and luminescence properties
R Kanagaraj, AK Jana, PD Babu, V Siruguri, PK Maji, SK Panda, AK Paul
Journal of Molecular Structure 1224, 129027, 2021
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Antiferromagnetically coupled double perovskite as an efficient and robust catalyst for visible light driven water splitting at neutral pH
N Kumar, T Rom, B Mallick, R Kaushik, A Ghosh, PD Babu, SK Panda, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (8), 5083-5093, 2022
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Investigation of the Role of 3d-4d Elements in a Disordered Double Perovskite toward Efficient Photocatalytic Energy Conversion and Electrochemical Energy …
U Saha, T Rom, R Sakla, A Ghosh, B Mallick, SK Panda, PK Maji, AK Paul
ACS Applied Energy Materials 7 (6), 2241-2254, 2024
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Influence of Mo Doping on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Monolayer CrX3: A First-Principles Study
AL Safi, S Chakraborty, MA Ahmed, S Panda, B Chattopadhyay
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 12 (4), 043001, 2023
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Electronic and magnetic structures of a mixed triple perovskite:
S Kumar, K Kargeti, DC Joshi, G Das, RK Patel, JW Freeland, L Olivi, ...
Physical Review B 110 (2), 024407, 2024
Mandate: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Verfügbar: 26
Origin of the Spin-Orbital Liquid State in a Nearly J= 0 Iridate Ba 3 ZnIr 2 O 9
A Nag, S Middey, S Bhowal, SK Panda, R Mathieu, JC Orain, F Bert, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (9), 097205, 2016
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung …
Magnetic properties and heat capacity of the three-dimensional frustrated S= 1 2 antiferromagnet PbCuTe 2 O 6
B Koteswararao, R Kumar, P Khuntia, S Bhowal, SK Panda, MR Rahman, ...
Physical Review B 90 (3), 035141, 2014
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
Effect of spin orbit coupling and Hubbard U on the electronic structure of IrO2
SK Panda, S Bhowal, A Delin, O Eriksson, I Dasgupta
Phys. Rev. B 89, 155102, 2014
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India, Swedish Research Council
Dirac nodal lines and flat-band surface state in the functional oxide
V Jovic, RJ Koch, SK Panda, H Berger, P Bugnon, A Magrez, KE Smith, ...
Physical Review B 98 (24), 241101, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der …
Pressure dependence of dynamically screened Coulomb interactions in NiO: Effective Hubbard, Hund, intershell, and intersite components
SK Panda, H Jiang, S Biermann
Physical Review B 96 (4), 045137, 2017
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
High photon energy spectroscopy of NiO: Experiment and theory
SK Panda, B Pal, S Mandal, M Gorgoi, S Das, I Sarkar, W Drube, W Sun, ...
Physical Review B 93 (23), 235138, 2016
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India, Swedish Research Council
NiS-An unusual self-doped, nearly compensated antiferromagnetic metal
SK Panda, I Dasgupta, E Şaşıoğlu, S Blügel, DD Sarma
Scientific reports 3, 2013
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Electronic structure and spin-orbit driven magnetism in d 4.5 insulator Ba 3 YIr 2 O 9
SK Panda, S Bhowal, Y Li, S Ganguly, R Valentí, L Nordström, I Dasgupta
Physical Review B 92 (18), 180403, 2015
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Electronic and magnetic properties of single Fe atoms on a CuN surface: Effects of electron correlations
SK Panda, I Di Marco, O Grånäs, O Eriksson, J Fransson
Physical Review B 93 (14), 140101, 2016
Mandate: Swedish Research Council
Observation of S= 1/2 quasi-1D magnetic and magneto-dielectric behavior in a cubic SrCuTe2O6
B Koteswararao, SK Panda, R Kumar, K Yoo, AV Mahajan, I Dasgupta, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (42), 426001, 2015
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Charge disproportionate antiferromagnetism at the verge of the insulator-metal transition in doped LaFeO 3
S Jana, SK Panda, D Phuyal, B Pal, S Mukherjee, A Dutta, PA Kumar, ...
Physical Review B 99, 075106, 2019
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India, Knut and Alice Wallenberg …
Nonlocal Interactions in the Double Perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 from Core-Level X-ray Spectroscopy
D Phuyal, S Mukherjee, SK Panda, GJ Man, K Simonov, L Simonelli, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (20), 11249-11256, 2021
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Magnetic properties of the = anisotropic triangular chain compound
K Boya, K Nam, AK Manna, J Kang, C Lyi, A Jain, SM Yusuf, P Khuntia, ...
Physical Review B 104 (18), 184402, 2021
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Spin liquid behavior of a three-dimensional magnetic system Ba NiIr O with = 1
S Kumar, SK Panda, MM Patidar, SK Ojha, P Mandal, G Das, JW Freeland, ...
Phys. Rev. B 103, 184405, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Energy, Department of Science & Technology, India, UK …
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