Edzer Pebesma
Edzer Pebesma
Professor of geoinformatics, University of Muenster
Η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου έχει επαληθευτεί στον τομέα uni-muenster.de - Αρχική σελίδα
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raster: Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
RJ Hijmans, J van Etten, M Sumner, J Cheng, D Baston, A Bevan, ...
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/raster/index.html, 2021
Applied spatial data analysis with R, second edition
RS Bivand, E Pebesma, V Gomez-Rubio
Springer, 2013
Multivariable geostatistics in S: the gstat package
EJ Pebesma
Computers & geosciences 30 (7), 683-691, 2004
Simple features for R: Standardized support for spatial vector data.
E Pebesma
R Journal 10 (1), 439, 2018
Sp: Classes and Methods for Spatial Data. R Package Version 1.4-1
E Pebesma, R Bivand, B Rowlingson, V Gomez-Rubio, R Hijmans, ...
rgdal: Bindings for the geospatial data abstraction library
R Bivand, T Keitt, B Rowlingson, E Pebesma, M Sumner, R Hijmans
R package version 1 (3), 2019
rgeos: interface to geometry engine-open source (GEOS)
R Bivand, C Rundel, E Pebesma, R Stuetz, KO Hufthammer, P Giraudoux, ...
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgeos/index.html, 2017
Spatio-temporal interpolation using gstat
B Gräler, E Pebesma, G Heuvelink
R Journal 8 (1), 204-218, 2016
Gstat: a program for geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
EJ Pebesma, CG Wesseling
Computers & Geosciences 24 (1), 17-31, 1998
terra: Spatial Data Analysis. R package version 1.5-21
RJ Hijmans
maptools: Tools for handling spatial objects
R Bivand
R Package Version 0.9‐9, 2019
Real-time automatic interpolation of ambient gamma dose rates from the Dutch radioactivity monitoring network
PH Hiemstra, EJ Pebesma, CJW Twenhöfel, GBM Heuvelink
Computers & Geosciences 35 (8), 1711-1721, 2009
Mapping of background air pollution at a fine spatial scale across the European Union
R Beelen, G Hoek, E Pebesma, D Vienneau, K De Hoogh, DJ Briggs
Science of the total environment 407 (6), 1852-1867, 2009
Spatial Data Science: With Applications in R
E Pebesma, R Bivand
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2023
Spatio-temporal prediction of daily temperatures using time-series of MODIS LST images
T Hengl, GBM Heuvelink, M Perčec Tadić, EJ Pebesma
Theoretical and applied climatology 107, 265-277, 2012
Predicting into unknown space? Estimating the area of applicability of spatial prediction models
H Meyer, E Pebesma
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Spatial aggregation and soil process modelling
GBM Heuvelink, EJ Pebesma
Geoderma 89 (1-2), 47-65, 1999
spacetime: Spatio-Temporal data in R
E Pebesma
Journal of Statistical Software 51 (7), 1-30, 2012
Spatio‐temporal interpolation of daily temperatures for global land areas at 1 km resolution
M Kilibarda, T Hengl, GBM Heuvelink, B Gräler, E Pebesma, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (5), 2294-2313, 2014
Using Google Earth Engine to detect land cover change: Singapore as a use case
N Sidhu, E Pebesma, G Câmara
European Journal of Remote Sensing 51 (1), 486-500, 2018
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