W. Cully Hession

W. Cully Hession

Virginia Tech
Verified email at vt.edu
Cited by 5236
Paul Bigelow

Paul Bigelow

Geomorphologist at Bigelow Watershed Geomorphology (bigwatershed.com)
Verified email at bigwatershed.com
Cited by 1125
Timothy K. Cross

Timothy K. Cross

retired Minnesota DNR
Cited by 898
Jared Ross

Jared Ross

Researcher, The Nature Conservancy
Verified email at tnc.org
Cited by 423
Benjamen Kennedy

Benjamen Kennedy

Fish Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Verified email at fws.gov
Cited by 246
Brett Connell

Brett Connell

University of Tennessee
Verified email at TruttaSolutions.com
Cited by 8
Kurtis A. Smith

Kurtis A. Smith

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Verified email at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Cited by 2