Ian J. Cohen

Ian J. Cohen

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Verified email at jhuapl.edu
Cited by 2930
John S. Wagner

John S. Wagner

Manager, Sandia National Laboratories
Verified email at sandia.gov
Cited by 1129
D. Megan Gillies

D. Megan Gillies

University of Calgary
Verified email at ucalgary.ca
Cited by 837
Love Alm

Love Alm

Post doc in Space Plasma Physics, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Verified email at irfu.se
Cited by 524
Stephen R. Kaeppler

Stephen R. Kaeppler

Assistant Professor of Physics, Clemson University
Verified email at g.clemson.edu
Cited by 355
swadesh patra

swadesh patra

Verified email at applanix.com
Cited by 234
Guy Grubbs II

Guy Grubbs II

Research Engineer, Southwest Research Institute, TX
Verified email at swri.org
Cited by 221