Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo

Raffaele Tito D'Agnolo

Staff Scientist at CEA IPhT Saclay and Professor at École Normale Supérieure
Verified email at ipht.fr
Cited by 131220
SungWoo Youn

SungWoo Youn

Research Fellow, Institute for Basic Science
Verified email at ibs.re.kr
Cited by 39023
Soohyung Lee

Soohyung Lee

Research Fellow in Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research of Institute for
Verified email at ibs.re.kr
Cited by 17359
Derbin Alexander

Derbin Alexander

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC KI
Verified email at pnpi.nrcki.ru
Cited by 16181
Hiroshi Terada

Hiroshi Terada

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Associate Professor
Verified email at naoj.org
Cited by 9051
Pin-Jung Chiu

Pin-Jung Chiu

Physik-Institut, University of Zurich
Verified email at physik.uzh.ch
Cited by 1132
Junu Jeong

Junu Jeong

Stockholm University
Verified email at fysik.su.se
Cited by 662
Saebyeok Ahn

Saebyeok Ahn

Verified email at ibs.re.kr
Cited by 486
Zhen-Yan Lu

Zhen-Yan Lu

Hunan University of Science and Technology
Verified email at hnust.edu.cn
Cited by 288
Younggeun Kim

Younggeun Kim

Helmholtz Institute Mainz
Verified email at uni-mainz.de
Cited by 235
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