Richard Keefe

Richard Keefe

Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
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Cited by 58060
Philip K. Liu

Philip K. Liu

Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
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Cited by 6513
Tiziano Pramparo

Tiziano Pramparo

University of California, San Diego
Cited by 6511
Gary Kohanbash

Gary Kohanbash

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Neurological Surgery
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Cited by 5728
Paul Bangirana

Paul Bangirana

Associate Professor of Psychology Makerere University
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Cited by 4121
António Pinto-Duarte

António Pinto-Duarte

Principal Scientist, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Previously @ Salk Institute and UCSD
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Cited by 2738
Kumar V.S. Nemmani

Kumar VS Nemmani

Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd
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Cited by 2116
Dr Paul S Sharp

Dr Paul S Sharp

Medicine Discovery Catapult
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Cited by 1492
Teresa C. Gallagher, Ph.D., MPH

Teresa C. Gallagher, Ph.D., MPH

Clinical Research Currents
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Cited by 958
Yalda (Zeinab) Fazlali

Yalda (Zeinab) Fazlali

Senior Scientist, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pennsylvania
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Cited by 565
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