Timothy Baghurst

Timothy Baghurst

Florida State University
Verified email at fsu.edu
Cited by 2938
Bryan McCullick

Bryan McCullick

Professor of Kinesiology, University of Georgia
Verified email at uga.edu
Cited by 2809
Scott Pierce

Scott Pierce

Associate Professor, Illinois State University
Verified email at ilstu.edu
Cited by 1295
Fraser Carson

Fraser Carson

Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology, LUNEX University
Verified email at lunex-university.net
Cited by 1073
Linda J Schoenstedt

Linda J Schoenstedt

Xavier University
Verified email at xavier.edu
Cited by 582


Faculty of Sport Sciences, Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey
Verified email at yobu.edu.tr
Cited by 258
Pete Van Mullem

Pete Van Mullem

Washington State University
Verified email at wsu.edu
Cited by 228
Ron Quinn

Ron Quinn

Associate Professor, Dept. of Sport Science & Management
Verified email at xavier.edu
Cited by 80
Eric McMahon

Eric McMahon

Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, National Strength and Conditioning …
Verified email at nsca.com
Cited by 53
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