Jose Ramos-Saravia

Jose Ramos-Saravia

Lecturer of Thermodynamics & Thermal Machines at Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología …
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Cited by 919
Dr. Sanjay

Dr. Sanjay

National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, INDIA
Cited by 633
Saeed Javan

Saeed Javan

Thermal and Process Design Department, Mapna Boiler Enegineering and Construction …
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Cited by 272
Amirhossein Eshaghiyeh

Amirhossein Eshaghiyeh

PhD student of Mechanical engineering, Isfahan University of Technology
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Cited by 53
Md. Abdul Momen Swazal

Md. Abdul Momen Swazal

Student, University of Asia Pacific
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Cited by 19