Konstantinos(Kostas)  Mathioudakis

Konstantinos(Kostas) Mathioudakis

National Technical Univeristy of Athens, School of Mechanical engineering
Verified email at mail.ntua.gr
Cited by 4354
Klaus Brun

Klaus Brun

Director R&D, Elliott Group
Verified email at elliott-turbo.com
Cited by 3986
n Stosic

n Stosic

city university london
Verified email at city.ac.uk
Cited by 3942
Young-Seok Choi

Young-Seok Choi

Principal Researcher in KITECH, Professor in UST(University of Science and Technology)
Verified email at kitech.re.kr
Cited by 2024
Chiu-Fan Hsieh

Chiu-Fan Hsieh

Professor - Department of Mechanical and Computer-Aided Engineering, National Formosa …
Verified email at nfu.edu.tw
Cited by 1250
Arthur J. Wennerstrom

Arthur J. Wennerstrom

Verified email at alum.mit.edu
Cited by 1216
Carlos Mateu-Royo

Carlos Mateu-Royo

MAHLE | PhD, Universitat Jaume I
Verified email at uji.es
Cited by 1074
mukka Govardhan

mukka Govardhan

Verified email at iitm.ac.in
Cited by 1069
Asad Asghar

Asad Asghar

Royal Military College, University of Notre Dame, KFUPM
Verified email at alumni.nd.edu
Cited by 633
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