Graham Cooper

Graham Cooper

Southern Cross University
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Cited by 4959
Joe Psotka

Joe Psotka

Research Psychologist, US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Verified email at US.ARMY.MIL
Cited by 3935
Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss

Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss

Dwight Schar College of Education
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Cited by 2012
Bruce R. Niebuhr

Bruce R. Niebuhr

Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical Branch
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Cited by 999
Wiranda Bayu Aditama

Wiranda Bayu Aditama

Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Institut Agama Islam Qamarul Huda
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Cited by 40