Haibao Tang

Haibao Tang

🦖Scientist and Software Engineer
Verified email at apple.com
Cited by 37492
Ming-Cheng Luo

Ming-Cheng Luo

University of California, Davis
Verified email at ucdavis.edu
Cited by 26557


Principal Investigator, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Verified email at gva.es
Cited by 21457
Kenneth M. Olsen

Kenneth M. Olsen

George W. & Irene K. Freiberg Professor of Biology, Washington University
Verified email at wustl.edu
Cited by 12955
Colin Hughes

Colin Hughes

University of Zurich
Verified email at systbot.uzh.ch
Cited by 12134
Rafael Rubio de Casas

Rafael Rubio de Casas

Universidad de Granada
Verified email at ugr.es
Cited by 4766
Stephen M. Richards

Stephen M. Richards

ARC Research Fellow, University of Adelaide
Verified email at adelaide.edu.au
Cited by 4216
David L. Van Tassel

David L. Van Tassel

The Land Institute
Verified email at landinstitute.org
Cited by 3305
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