Ferhat Kentel

Ferhat Kentel

Istanbul Sehir University
Verified email at sehir.edu.tr
Cited by 1248
Yih-Teen Lee

Yih-Teen Lee

IESE Business School
Verified email at iese.edu
Cited by 1236


Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Verified email at ucm.es
Cited by 999
Andreas Widholm

Andreas Widholm

Associate Professor, Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University
Verified email at ims.su.se
Cited by 899
Sam Zare

Sam Zare

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Verified email at xjtlu.edu.cn
Cited by 161
Káritha Bernardo de Macedo

Káritha Bernardo de Macedo

Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina- IFSC; Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina …
Verified email at ifsc.edu.br
Cited by 40
Paola Eiras

Paola Eiras

Lecturer in Intercultural Studies
Verified email at uts.edu.au
Cited by 33
Cristina Burgueno

Cristina Burgueno

Professor of Spanish, Marshall University
Verified email at marshall.edu
Cited by 29
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