Jannis Kallinikos

Jannis Kallinikos

Professor, Luiss University, Rome, Italy and London School of Economics, London, UK
Verified email at luiss.it
Cited by 9327
Helen Kennedy

Helen Kennedy

Professor of Digital Society, University of Sheffield
Verified email at sheffield.ac.uk
Cited by 6113
Pieter Verdegem

Pieter Verdegem

Reader in Technology & Society, University of Westminster
Verified email at westminster.ac.uk
Cited by 2459
Aasim Khan

Aasim Khan

Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, IIIT-Delhi
Verified email at iiitd.ac.in
Cited by 62
Frederik Schade

Frederik Schade

PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School
Verified email at cbs.dk
Cited by 24