Hojat Ghassemi

Hojat Ghassemi

Verified email at iust.ac.ir
Cited by 1672
Leang So Khuong

Leang So Khuong

National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia
Verified email at npic.edu.kh
Cited by 999
Yigit Akkus

Yigit Akkus

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ericsson AB
Verified email at ericsson.com
Cited by 434
Fernando Luiz Sacomano Filho

Fernando Luiz Sacomano Filho

Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Verified email at usp.br
Cited by 268
Tapan kumar Pradhan

Tapan kumar Pradhan

PhD Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Verified email at iitk.ac.in
Cited by 261
Pallavi Katre

Pallavi Katre

Post-Doctoral Associate at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Verified email at iisc.ac.in
Cited by 261
Sahar Andalib

Sahar Andalib

Ph.D. University of California Los Angeles
Verified email at ucla.edu
Cited by 210
Vivek Jaiswal

Vivek Jaiswal

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pandit Deendayal Energy …
Verified email at sot.pdpu.ac.in
Cited by 185
Jason T. Parker

Jason T. Parker

Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LBNL Advanced Light Source
Verified email at mit.edu
Cited by 154
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