Michael Welte

Michael Welte

Professor, University of Rochester
Verified email at rochester.edu
Cited by 7534
Eric Spana

Eric Spana

Associate Professor of the Practice in Biology, Duke University
Verified email at duke.edu
Cited by 4598
Steve Gisselbrecht

Steve Gisselbrecht

Research Specialist, Brigham and Women's Hospital Division of Genetics
Verified email at alum.mit.edu
Cited by 3854
Wen Lu

Wen Lu

Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University
Verified email at northwestern.edu
Cited by 1094
Ted Erclik

Ted Erclik

Assistant Professor, University of Toronto - Mississauga
Verified email at utoronto.ca
Cited by 1005
Nadya Vorobyeva

Nadya Vorobyeva

Institute of Gene Biology RAS
Verified email at genebiology.ru
Cited by 893
Casey Schmidt

Casey Schmidt

Postdoc, Rieder Lab, Emory University
Verified email at lafayette.edu
Cited by 644
Qinan Hu

Qinan Hu

Research Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology
Verified email at sustech.edu.cn
Cited by 219
Caroline Dillard

Caroline Dillard

Post Doctoral fellow
Verified email at uio.no
Cited by 152
Sanjay Kumar Sukumar

Sanjay Kumar Sukumar

University of Gothenburg
Verified email at gu.se
Cited by 39