Michael Luca

Michael Luca

Lee J Styslinger III Associate Professor, Harvard Business School
Verified email at hbs.edu
Cited by 13345
Daniel Rock

Daniel Rock

Assistant Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Verified email at wharton.upenn.edu
Cited by 5274
Luis Aguiar

Luis Aguiar

University of Zurich
Verified email at business.uzh.ch
Cited by 1957
Avinash Collis

Avinash Collis

Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Verified email at cmu.edu
Cited by 1853
Alexey Makarin

Alexey Makarin

Assistant Professor of Applied Economics, Sloan School of Management, MIT
Verified email at mit.edu
Cited by 1773
Frank Mueller-Langer

Frank Mueller-Langer

University of the Bundeswehr Munich; MPI for Innovation & Competition; EU Commission …
Verified email at ip.mpg.de
Cited by 1496
Vincent Van Roy

Vincent Van Roy

European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Verified email at ec.europa.eu
Cited by 1241
Christian Peukert

Christian Peukert

University of Lausanne (HEC)
Verified email at unil.ch
Cited by 1211
Seth Gordon Benzell

Seth Gordon Benzell

Chapman University, Stanford Digital Economy Lab and MIT Initiative on the Digital …
Verified email at chapman.edu
Cited by 1184
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