Ofek Birnholtz

Ofek Birnholtz

Senior Lecturer, Physics Department, Bar Ilan University
Verified email at biu.ac.il
Cited by 78836
Ram krishna Sharma

Ram krishna Sharma

Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China
Verified email at cern.ch
Cited by 46609
Claude Bernard

Claude Bernard

Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Washington University, Saint Louis
Verified email at wustl.edu
Cited by 33564
Georgios Bakas

Georgios Bakas

PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens
Verified email at central.ntua.gr
Cited by 22737
Evgeny Epelbaum

Evgeny Epelbaum

Professor für Theoretische Physik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Verified email at rub.de
Cited by 18960
Johan Bijnens

Johan Bijnens

Professor theoretical physics, Lund University
Verified email at fysik.lu.se
Cited by 16712
Feng-Kun Guo

Feng-Kun Guo

Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Verified email at itp.ac.cn
Cited by 14422
Derek Leinweber

Derek Leinweber

Professor of Physics
Verified email at adelaide.edu.au
Cited by 14162
Xiaohui Liu(刘晓辉)

Xiaohui Liu(刘晓辉)

Professor, Beijing Normal University(北京师范大学)
Verified email at bnu.edu.cn
Cited by 9282
Hua Xing Zhu

Hua Xing Zhu

Peking University
Verified email at pku.edu.cn
Cited by 5836
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