Xuegang Chen

Xuegang Chen

Prof. of Anhui Univ, Postdoc at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Purdue Univ, U of NE …
Verified email at ahu.edu.cn
Cited by 1261


Xidian University
Verified email at xidian.edu.cn
Cited by 970
Gaobo Xu

Gaobo Xu

Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Verified email at ime.ac.cn
Cited by 967
Boncheol Ku

Boncheol Ku

Hanyang University
Verified email at hanyang.ac.kr
Cited by 955
Sourav De

Sourav De

College of Semiconductor Research, National Tsing Hua University
Verified email at mx.nthu.edu.tw
Cited by 731
Chen Sun

Chen Sun

National University of Singapore
Verified email at u.nus.edu
Cited by 535
Chun-Yu Liao

Chun-Yu Liao

National Taiwan Normal University
Verified email at ntnu.edu.tw
Cited by 487
Kuo-Yu Hsiang

Kuo-Yu Hsiang

Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming …
Verified email at nycu.edu.tw
Cited by 471
Le Zhang

Le Zhang

University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Verified email at huskers.unl.edu
Cited by 446
Luc Tillie

Luc Tillie

Device engineer, Ferroelectric Memory Company
Verified email at ferroelectric-memory.com
Cited by 294
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