R. Michael Buehrer

R. Michael Buehrer

Virginia Tech
Verified email at vt.edu
Cited by 12977
Brian G Agee

Brian G Agee

B3 Advanced Communication Systems
Verified email at pacbell.net
Cited by 7782
John McCorkle

John McCorkle

Applied Signals Intelligence, Inc.
Verified email at asigint.com
Cited by 4778
Agnieszka Leszczynski

Agnieszka Leszczynski

Associate Professor, Geography & Environment, Western University
Verified email at uwo.ca
Cited by 4492
Greg Brennecka

Greg Brennecka

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Verified email at llnl.gov
Cited by 3344
Daniel V. Klein

Daniel V. Klein

Verified email at google.com
Cited by 2484
Mark C Sullivan

Mark C Sullivan

Azure Summit Techonologies
Verified email at azuresummit.com
Cited by 1312
Michael Speriosu

Michael Speriosu

PhD 2013, The University of Texas at Austin
Verified email at utexas.edu
Cited by 1045
Swaroop Appadwedula

Swaroop Appadwedula

MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Verified email at ll.mit.edu
Cited by 1000
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