Dimitar Ouzounov

Dimitar Ouzounov

Chapman University
Verified email at chapman.edu
Cited by 4592
Balazs Heilig

Balazs Heilig

Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Sopron, Hungary / Eötvös Loránd University …
Verified email at epss.hu
Cited by 1654
YM Yampolski, Yu M Yampolsky, y m yampolsky,  Ю М Ямпольский,  Ю М Ямпольський

YM Yampolski, Yu M Yampolsky, ym yampolsky, Ю М Ямпольский, Ю М Ямпольський

Professor of geospace research, Institute of Radio Astronomy, NAS Ukraine
Verified email at rian.kharkov.ua
Cited by 664
Dmytro Kotov

Dmytro Kotov

Institute of ionosphere
Cited by 257
Chukwuma Anoruo

Chukwuma Anoruo

Research scientist University of Nigeria
Verified email at studenti.unitn.it
Cited by 154


Universidad de La Laguna
Verified email at ull.es
Cited by 14