Harihar Rajaram

Harihar Rajaram

Professor - Environmental Health and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Verified email at colorado.edu
Cited by 7023
Evan Miles

Evan Miles

Research Scientist, UZH, UniFr, and WSL
Verified email at geo.uzh.ch
Cited by 5431
David N. Collins

David N. Collins

University of Salford
Verified email at salford.ac.uk
Cited by 4763
Tristram (Tris) Irvine-Fynn

Tristram (Tris) Irvine-Fynn

Centre for Glaciology, Aberystwyth University
Verified email at aber.ac.uk
Cited by 4172
Jason Gulley

Jason Gulley

University of South Florida
Verified email at usf.edu
Cited by 3005
Richard Hodgkins

Richard Hodgkins

Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Loughborough University
Verified email at lboro.ac.uk
Cited by 2227
Inés Dussaillant

Inés Dussaillant

Dr. Glaciology, University of Zurich, WGMS
Cited by 1645
Philip R Porter

Philip R Porter

Reader in Geoscience & Geoscience Education,University of Hertfordshire
Verified email at herts.ac.uk
Cited by 977
Catriona Fyffe

Catriona Fyffe

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Verified email at northumbria.ac.uk
Cited by 433
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