Jungseek Hwang

Jungseek Hwang

Professor of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
Verified email at skku.edu
Cited by 5850
C. M. Smith

CM Smith

Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Verified email at uu.nl
Cited by 5224
Raghavan Gopalan

Raghavan Gopalan

Technology Advisor & INAE Chair Professor, ARCI, India and Adjunct Professor, IISc …
Verified email at arci.res.in
Cited by 3876
Kirrily Rule

Kirrily Rule

Instrument scientist at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organsiation
Verified email at ansto.gov.au
Cited by 3451
Xinmao Yin

Xinmao Yin

Shanghai Key Laboratory of High Temperature Superconductors, Physics Department …
Verified email at shu.edu.cn
Cited by 2820
Pranab Kumar Nag

Pranab Kumar Nag

Yale University, USA/ Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel/ IFW Dresden, Germany/ IIT …
Verified email at yale.edu
Cited by 672


Verified email at banasthali.in
Cited by 550
Jaewon Choi

Jaewon Choi

Diamond Light Source
Verified email at diamond.ac.uk
Cited by 508
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