

Modi Foundation Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Verified email at iitd.ac.in
Cited by 9601
s panda

s panda

Professor of Distance Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University
Verified email at ignou.ac.in
Cited by 6644
wallace Chigona

wallace Chigona

Professor in Information Systems, University of Cape Town, Department of Information …
Verified email at uct.ac.za
Cited by 2745
Muhammad Suryanegara

Muhammad Suryanegara

Professor - Management of Telecommunications at EE Dept. Universitas Indonesia
Verified email at ui.ac.id
Cited by 1721
Shaun Pather

Shaun Pather

Professor, University of the Western Cape
Verified email at uwc.ac.za
Cited by 1633
Konstantinos Masselos

Konstantinos Masselos

Professor in Computing Systems Design - University of the Peloponnese
Verified email at uop.gr
Cited by 1162
Ling Zhu

Ling Zhu

Congressional Research Service
Verified email at crs.loc.gov
Cited by 821
B. Joon Kim

B. Joon Kim

Professor of Public Policy, Kookmin University
Verified email at kookmin.ac.kr
Cited by 816
Dongwook Kim

Dongwook Kim

Verified email at alumni.kaist.ac.kr
Cited by 512
Michael O. Awoleye

Michael O. Awoleye

Senior Research Fellow, African Institute for Science Policy and Innovation, Obafemi …
Verified email at oauife.edu.ng
Cited by 408
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