Raoul Strackx

Raoul Strackx

Verified email at fortanix.com
Cited by 5870
Simon P. Johnson

Simon P. Johnson

Verified email at intel.com
Cited by 3600
Stefan Brenner

Stefan Brenner

TU Braunschweig
Verified email at ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Cited by 414
Jämes Ménétrey

Jämes Ménétrey

University of Neuchâtel
Verified email at unine.ch
Cited by 212
Dr. Kubilay Ahmet Küçük (DPhil PhD)

Dr. Kubilay Ahmet Küçük (DPhil PhD)

University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science, Cyber Security Centre
Verified email at cs.ox.ac.uk
Cited by 150
Peterson Yuhala

Peterson Yuhala

Postdoc @ University of Neuchatel
Verified email at unine.ch
Cited by 43
Batsayan Das

Batsayan Das

Tata Consultancy Services
Verified email at tcs.com
Cited by 37
Francesco Tessitore Ing.

Francesco Tessitore Ing.

University of Naples Parthenope
Verified email at uniparthenope.it
Cited by 12