Jack Glaser

Jack Glaser

Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley
Verified email at berkeley.edu
Cited by 11508
Lorie A. Fridell

Lorie A. Fridell

University of South Florida
Verified email at usf.edu
Cited by 4067
Howard P. Greenwald

Howard P. Greenwald

University of Southern California
Verified email at usc.edu
Cited by 2759
Ronald Helms

Ronald Helms

Western Washington University
Verified email at wwu.edu
Cited by 1315
Martin P. Poirier

Martin P. Poirier

Research Officer - Human Performance
Verified email at cfmws.com
Cited by 1272
David Hughes McElreath

David Hughes McElreath

Professor, University of Mississippi
Verified email at olemiss.edu
Cited by 1239
Maria Shklyaruk

Maria Shklyaruk

Researcher, The Institute for the Rule of Law at the European University at Saint-Petersburg
Verified email at eu.spb.ru
Cited by 1188
Shelley S. Hyland

Shelley S. Hyland

US Department of Justice
Verified email at usdoj.gov
Cited by 1060
Dr. Joshua I. James

Dr. Joshua I. James

DFIR Science
Verified email at DFIRScience.org
Cited by 1011
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