Oleg Yaroshchuk

Oleg Yaroshchuk

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Verified email at iop.kiev.ua
Cited by 4960
Chris Spillmann

Chris Spillmann

Naval Research Laboratory
Verified email at nrl.navy.mil
Cited by 3010
Po-Lun Chen

Po-Lun Chen

Verified email at gis-touch.com
Cited by 1019
Анатолий Минько

Анатолий Минько

Белорусский государственный университет, пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, Минск …
Verified email at bsu.by
Cited by 256
Alena Mamonova

Alena Mamonova

PhD student, FSI Federal Research Center Crystallography and Photonics of the Russian …
Verified email at crys.ras.ru
Cited by 136
Nikolaus Glazar

Nikolaus Glazar

Verified email at kent.edu
Cited by 89
Obeidullah Khan

Obeidullah Khan

Research Scholar, National Institute of Technology Meghalaya
Verified email at nitm.ac.in
Cited by 17
Ayusha Paul

Ayusha Paul

Kent State University
Verified email at kent.edu
Cited by 6