David Cobden

David Cobden

Department of Physics, University of Washington
Verified email at uw.edu
Cited by 29656
Yang Liu

Yang Liu

Zhejiang University
Verified email at zju.edu.cn
Cited by 1442
Oleg Kirichek

Oleg Kirichek

SE Group Leader at ISIS
Verified email at stfc.ac.uk
Cited by 1188
Kaya Kobayashi

Kaya Kobayashi

Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
Verified email at es.hokudai.ac.jp
Cited by 740
Scott Dietrich

Scott Dietrich

Villanova University
Verified email at villanova.edu
Cited by 328
Vitalii Syvokon

Vitalii Syvokon

B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Verified email at ilt.kharkov.ua
Cited by 303